Adamski, Moroski, Madden, Cumberland & Green LLP
The Bame Living Trust
Dr. Brian and Jeri Roberts
Elizabeth “Biz” Steinberg in honor of the CAPSLO Adult Day Program
Elizabeth “Biz” Steinberg in memory of her husband Howard Steinberg
Festival Mozaic
Kim and Jerry Scott
Latino Outreach Council & Frederick Law Firm
Lygia Smidt and Roxy Peck
Maggie King
Mary Baiamonte
Mona and Gordon Jennings
The Movie Group
Patricia Gomez and Frank Seiple
Phil Wagner and Mary Blackler
Sharon and John Dobson, in honor of the Cal Poly Cat Program
Sue and Tim Rueda
Swift Action Fund
Tom and Judy Walters
The Allen Family
Bill Clemens and Susie Clark
B.K. Richard and Emily Rosten
Cal Poly: Art And Design Department
Cal Poly: The Center For Expressive Technologies
Cal Poly: Department of Interdisciplinary Studies In The Liberal Arts
CJ’s Barbecue
Compelling Vision
Dave Keitel
Debby and Steve Nicklas,
dedicated to Lumina Alliance
Diversity Coalition
SLO Films For Good:
Bob and Christine Williams
Friends of R.A.C.E Matters
Janet Kershaw-McLennan M.D.
Jeanne Potter and Ron Tilley
Jeff and Kerry Heller
Kristin and Harvey Schwartzman
L. Cherry and C. Bell
Mary Qualls
San Luis Obispo County Branch
Nurse Mo
Sandra Duerr
Thrifty Beaches
Victoria Grostick
The Wilkins Family
William Pendergrass
The Community Foundation
Paul and Robyn Metchik
Shanbrom Family Foundation
Bern Singsen
BHE Renewables
The Wild Longhorns of Borneo
James and Felicia Cashin
Annie Mohler and Bill Moseley
Shannon, Scott and Cameron Wilson
Ann Robinson
Carol and Warren Sinsheimer
Gary and Muriel Harkins
John and Rebecca Keisler
Rick Totah
Peggy Bowman-Kelley
Cindy Wathen-Kennedy
Dave Keitel
D.K. and Judy Philbin
Mary Walker
Rex and Janice Wolf
Sandra and Isaac Shafran
P.O Box 1449
San Luis Obispo, CA 93406
Palm Theatre – SLO Film Center
Open Monday – Sunday
Copyright © 2022 San Luis Obispo International Film Festival | Website & Ticketing by Eventive
Website Photography provided by Brittany App
San Luis Obispo International Film Festival Inc. Registered Non-Profit 501(c3) Tax ID# 77-0367414