The series starts out with Groundhog Day (1993) — starring Bill Murray — a look into a life of “time out of time.” Murray is forced into a mindful contemplative existence when he finds himself reliving the same day over and over again. This very “Zen” film will be introduced by a local Buddhist from […]


NOT AVAILABLE DURING THE VIRTUAL ENCORE FESTIVAL. A NOTE FROM MARY HARRIS, SLO FILM FESTIVAL FOUNDER: This classic film noir from 1944 was shown the first year of the Festival, in 1993. It’s one of the first films I saw from that genre and has remained a life-long favorite. Directed by Billy Wilder, with screenplay […]


A Man Escaped or The Wind Bloweth Where It Listeth (1956) concludes this series. Considered by many the greatest prison escape movie of all time, the legendary French director Robert Bresson turns Andre Devigny’s memoir of life in the French Resistance into a stunning, meditation on the deepest meanings of freedom, struggle, and inner liberation. The […]